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Health Care Reality Forum – April 14, 2009

By March 23, 2009January 17th, 2020news

Nationally more than 47 million are uninsured, a quarter million live in Idaho.

Health Care Reality Forum PSA from Drew Allen on Vimeo.

Download the flyer for more information.

On April 14th at the Nampa Civic Center at 7am – to Noon,
A key group of panelists from Treasure Valley will address
the growing challenges health care providers and consumers
face, what universal health care could mean, and the growing
impact of charity care and bad debt on a stressed health system.

The cost to attend is just $25 per person, and includes
breakfast. To Register for this important event call 463-5876
or email

Panelists include:
Ed Dahlberg
CEO of St. Luke’s Health System
Joe Messmer
CEO of Mercy Medical Center
Doug Dammrose, MD
Blue Cross of Idaho – Chief Medical Officer
John Stellmon
President of Regence BlueShield of Idaho
Tom Patterson, MD
Saltzer Medical Group – Immunization Coalition
Senator John McGee
Senate Health and Welfare Committee
Dee Sarton – Idaho’s News Channel 7

The Health Care Education Breakout sessions will include:
Worksite Wellness
Employee Health Plans
Health Insurance 101
And the Impact of Legislative Actions in Real Life

Come and hear from Coach Peterson as he shares his personal
experience about the impact medical care had on his son’s
ability to heal.

The Health Care Reality Forum.
Navigating through today’s health care trends, costs,
utilization and the forecast of the Treasure Valley’s
health care delivery.

Drew Allen

As co-owner and Chief Operations Officer, Drew has many duties. Drew shoots, edits and makes magic with motion graphics while creating campaign deliverables using his master-class working knowledge of software, equipment, social media and service-oriented personality. As COO, he orchestrates our team and assures our high quality standards. Read more about Drew.

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