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The Red Team Presents

By May 9, 2009April 13th, 2015blog, Peppermaster

The Red Team’s big moment together before the big pitch! We met at the Arid Club to practice one last time before the real deal. We had Nancy our server snap a shot. It’s an awesome collaborative effort between 3 companies coming together for the common best interest of our potential client, the Idaho Lottery. We will be notified May 19th or shortly thereafter if we “win” the lottery… account.

We are thrilled to continue to work with such a talented group of professionals and are very grateful our team was chosen to present. There were 21 letters of intent, from those, 6 were selected to present orals last week for either one or more of the three categories of the RFP: 1. Account Services, 2. Creative Services and 3. Media Buying Services.

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Since Peppershock’s inception, in 2003, Rhea Allen has managed and expanded Peppershock and has gained local notoriety in her persistent passion for causes. She is involved with the communities of Idaho and surrounding areas and has a vast working knowledge of how to generate awareness for a number of brands and causes. She is extremely diligent in obtaining effective media campaign results by planning and crafting relevant and compelling messaging for the target audience. Rhea oversees the development of all Peppershock projects, from project conception through distribution and follow-up. Read more about Rhea Allen.

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