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July 2010


Brand Building Basics

When people hear your name, they either know you or they don’t.  If they do know you, a set of impressions that influence how they think and buy come to mind.  Those thoughts define your brand. Your brand lives in…
July 21, 2010

Plan Now for a Beefy 4th Quarter

The end of each year brings a multitude of business opportunities for a broad spectrum of organizations. The bottom line is this; the majority of consumers are spending more money on holidays and events AND other businesses are ramping up…
July 13, 2010

Nampa Rotary Golf for Hope Tournament July 16th

Check out this video on YouTube: Rhea Allen, M.B.A. Integrative Marketing Consultant President/CEO, Peppershock Media, a hybrid agency. Fresh Marketing Strategy + Creative Production Services. Find me on Twitter: @peppershock 208-461-5070 office 208-250-9041 cell Wheelin' & Squealin' at the…
July 3, 2010