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Rhea Allen Speaking on “Integrating Videos into Your Marketing Toolbox”

By August 25, 2011February 3rd, 2022blog

Idaho Statewide Nonprofit Conference

September 22nd – September 23rd

Boise, Idaho

Rhea Allen will be hosting a workshop at the conference on Friday, September 23. Rhea will be speaking about “Integrating Videos into Your Marketing Toolbox” from (1:15 – 2:30pm).

Whether it’s on your website, your Facebook page or in your fundraising events, a video has the potential to convey a powerful message that will attract support from volunteers and donors alike.  When done correctly, even a short video can evoke emotion, drive home a point or provide a compelling case like no other medium can.

Click here to learn more about the conference and to register.

Visit the conference event page on Facebook.

Drew Allen

As co-owner and Chief Operations Officer, Drew has many duties. Drew shoots, edits and makes magic with motion graphics while creating campaign deliverables using his master-class working knowledge of software, equipment, social media and service-oriented personality. As COO, he orchestrates our team and assures our high quality standards. Read more about Drew.