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President’s Message – May 2014

By April 30, 2014March 20th, 2020blog

As President and CEO of Peppershock Media, I am continuously inspired by the creativity, dedication and collaborative nature of our award winning team. Ours is a diverse and ever changing business and I truly believe Peppershock can be an exciting, challenging and wonderful place to work if you are motivated by the characteristics that comprise Peppershock’s culture. As we continue to grow and expand beyond the Northwest, working with Fortune 100 companies around the globe along with small to mid-sized organizations, we are actively seeking talent who match our caliber and quality of work. Equally important as we expand our reach, we seek the right clientele that can utilize our talent and client focused approach. We have built our business from the ground up over the past decade with our clients’ marketing and multimedia needs in mind. We have proven to be resilient, nimble, responsive and passionate about what we do and most of the time we tend to have a lot fun doing it!  Currently, we are looking for an Associate Video Producer to add to our team. Learn more about the position.


As spring has sprung there seems to be a lot of fresh and exciting things going on at Peppershock!


  • We welcome our newest member to the team, Lindsay Egbert, as our Traffic Coordinator. Read more about her.
  • We welcome a new baby! Angie Scobby, Art Director, gave birth to baby Malcolm Joeseph on April 15, 2014. 7lbs 14oz 21.25 inches.
  • We are also excited to be on the official vendor list at Oracle! They have us hopping on a number of graphic design, animation, video and other media pieces as a part of their international campaigns.
  • Erick Gutierrez, Peppershock Junior Graphic Designer was named, “Designer of the Year,” by Northwest Nazarene University, which meant he received a crown to say #1 Design Duder!
  • Drew Allen, Creative Director, was nominated for the Ethics in Business award from Rotary International.
  • We have also been nominated to receive the Telly’s “People’s Choice Award” for a video the Peppershock team produced with CenturyLink! Click the link and be sure to select the “thumbs up” for your vote to count for us to win! Feel free to share with others too!
  • The Idaho Wine Documentary film production is coming along great and we plan to show a “work-in-progress and fundraising” screening at the Egyptian Theatre on Saturday, November 8, 2014th or follow the film on Facebook 
  • We’re gearing up for the annual Shrine Circus and Alex Rhodes, Peppershock Graphic Designer, created the new look for the Shrine Circus this year.  Check out his work!
  • We’ve created the best looking co-ed softball team around with our t-shirts designed by Alex!  Okay we may look good, doesn’t mean we’re the best players in town but we know how to have fun! Thanks Alex for creating our Peppershock Porcupine to look super tough! Go team! “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run” –Babe Ruth
  • We’re busy recording the Idaho Business Review’s CEO of Influence videos for the annual awards banquet on May 22, 2014.
  • Finally in closing, I wanted to give a big shout out to Nichols Accounting Group for being such a great vendor and client! The bookkeeping services they have provided us have been a huge big help to our company and I am forever grateful to them! They are a great client too, (we designed their website) Help me in wishing them a Happy Birthday too!  Nichols is celebrating 40 years in business!


We are powered by referrals and always appreciate your kind words to others!

Many thanks,

Rhea Allen    


Since Peppershock’s inception, in 2003, Rhea Allen has managed and expanded Peppershock and has gained local notoriety in her persistent passion for causes. She is involved with the communities of Idaho and surrounding areas and has a vast working knowledge of how to generate awareness for a number of brands and causes. She is extremely diligent in obtaining effective media campaign results by planning and crafting relevant and compelling messaging for the target audience. Rhea oversees the development of all Peppershock projects, from project conception through distribution and follow-up. Read more about Rhea Allen.

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