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6 Tips for Developing Mobile Content Marketing

By September 23, 2014blog, news

Content is king. We’ve all heard it before.
But considering how and where your audience is consuming that content is of equal importance in the kingdom of Content Marketing. Below are 6 quick things to consider when creating content for a mobile universe.

  1. Understand your audience’s mobile habits
  2. What % of users access your site on mobile devices?
  3. Tablet or Smartphones?
  4. What (mobile) activities are they doing on your site?
  5. What content are they accessing?
  6. Do they watch videos or view photos?

Watch Rhea’s entire workshop below for more ideas, thoughts and insights. If you’re ready to discuss a content marketing campaign for your business, contact us.

View Dale Dixon’s presentation on The Law of Attraction and ethical advertising from this same workshop.

Drew Allen

As co-owner and Chief Operations Officer, Drew has many duties. Drew shoots, edits and makes magic with motion graphics while creating campaign deliverables using his master-class working knowledge of software, equipment, social media and service-oriented personality. As COO, he orchestrates our team and assures our high quality standards. Read more about Drew.

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