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Culture + Brand Camp 2020

By April 24, 2020January 26th, 2021Uncategorized

Do you want your organization to be distinctive, compelling, and exceptional too? Of course, you do! But you’ve got to have the right tools to create the kind of company culture that wins over your employees, and customers too. How do you take advantage of your team’s superpowers to create a happy, healthy company culture?  This virtual event features a dynamic group of leaders that will help you inspire your team, enhance your culture, and navigate your way to an exceptional brand and bottom line!

Who should attend? Any human who leads!

Get you and your team registered for Culture + Brand Camp 2020 happening May 12, VIRTUALLY!

Register today and we’ll “see” you then!

May 12, 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Virtual Event via Zoom

Enjoy from your couch, home office or anywhere you have a WiFi signal!

Reserve your spot today

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Meet the Speakers


Rhea Allen
President/CEO of Peppershock Media

The Top 5 Ways to Build your Brand and Bottom Line Through Your Culture

The difference between being a good company and a great company is being a great place to work, but how do you get there? You’ve got to have the right tools to create the kind of company culture that wins over your employees, and customers too, so how do you take advantage of your team’s superpowers to create a happy, healthy company culture?

Peppershock Media
Honey Goodman

Honey Goodman
COO of Treasure Valley Hospice

Maintaining Company Culture During Crisis

Does everything feel different with employees now working virtually? Have a great company culture and want to ensure your culture is not impacted during this national crisis? We will discuss some simple ideas to protect your company culture and to ensure employees feel appreciated and secure through this difficult time.

Treasure Valley Hospice
Genny Heikka

Genny Heikka
Author, Motivational Speaker, and Life Coach

Networking with Impact (it’s about relationships, not contacts)

In today’s challenging business climate, networking is more important than ever. But actually stepping out and doing it can still be hard. Maybe you’re too busy, or maybe you’re unsure about where to go or how to communicate with others most effectively in our new virtual environment. Or, maybe the whole idea of networking is your worst nightmare. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, it shouldn’t.

Genny Heikka MBA
Susan Kuehl

Susan Kuehl
Culture Strategist, Performance Coach, and Mindset Trainer at Consilio

The Truth About Engagement

Employee Engagement is defined as an emotional state where people feel passionate, energetic and committed to their work. When people are engaged, they invest more of themselves in their work. But where is it too much or not enough? Many employees are choosing to contribute less than and beyond expectations. How can you create just enough tension in the workplace to trigger healthy competition and intrinsic motivation? This talk will show you how to approach employee engagement in an innovative and healthy way. At Consilio, we consider ourselves builders of happiness in the workplace by having an unwavering belief that it is possible for everyone to love their work. We work on the belief that business begins and ends with people which lets us create positive change in the business and its community.  We are committed to defining success in human terms. Finding what individuals are the best at and creating teams that leverage those strengths on a daily basis is what we do. This creates high performance by enabling teams to communicate with authenticity which builds trust. The pillars of our business are cultivating internal leaders and business builders, creating alignment between co-leaders and teammates and breeding wellness in executive and senior leaders


Lori Martin
Communication Strategist, Executive Facilitator, and Team Dynamic Coach at Consilio

The Truth About Engagement

Employee Engagement is defined as an emotional state where people feel passionate, energetic and committed to their work. When people are engaged, they invest more of themselves in their work. But where is it too much or not enough? Many employees are choosing to contribute less than and beyond expectations. How can you create just enough tension in the workplace to trigger healthy competition and intrinsic motivation? This talk will show you how to approach employee engagement in an innovative and healthy way. At Consilio, we consider ourselves builders of happiness in the workplace by having an unwavering belief that it is possible for everyone to love their work. We work on the belief that business begins and ends with people which lets us create positive change in the business and its community.  We are committed to defining success in human terms. Finding what individuals are the best at and creating teams that leverage those strengths on a daily basis is what we do. This creates high performance by enabling teams to communicate with authenticity which builds trust. The pillars of our business are cultivating internal leaders and business builders, creating alignment between co-leaders and teammates and breeding wellness in executive and senior leaders.

Dave Lakhani Headshot

Dave Lakhani
Founder and President of Bold Approach, Inc.

Cult Branding – How To Create A Cult Brand And Committed Customers

Learn exactly what it takes to create a brand and a culture that customers and employees are fanatically devoted to. You’ll learn exactly what you need to do to develop a culture and a brand that makes customers and employees feel like they have a personally vested interest in the brand’s success. You’ll learn how to create a compelling story and how to develop a compelling set of beliefs that allow customers to experience their wants and needs being fulfilled using the latest psychological persuasion strategies to achieve success. You’ll also learn how to continue to use a multimodal approach to deepening the connection and interaction with your customers while giving them multiple opportunities to engage their friends and social groups to build a wider following. Cult brands start out grassroots and grow into massive followings when properly nurtured. Examples of cult brands are: Apple, Harley Davidson, Mini Cooper, Vans, Lululemon, La Croix, Dollar Shave Club, Yeti, Soul Cycle, Life is Good, and Moleskine.

Bold Approach
Melissa Headshot

Melissa DeLuca
CEO / Founder of DeLuca & Willow

Remote Leadership

How many of us have had to work from home, lately? And, how many of us struggle with ‘what do I do now?” You may have asked yourself, “How can I lead, remotely?” Through Melissa’s engaging talk, she’ll share some insightful learnings from her time as a high-tech executive, herself, as well as what she has seen as best practices with her clients.


Deluca & Willow

Jeanine Barkan
Co-Founder/Owner of PoleStar Succession & Exit Strategists

How creatively compensating your employees can result in a more stable, successful and valuable company.

One thing that is overlooked when addressing value and sellability is employee compensation. Implementing a strategic compensation plan is a win-win for both employees and owners. It rewards employees, encourages value building behavior, reduces turnover, improves company stability and much more! Utilizing a strategic compensation plan can be a first step in exit planning that works to support all types of exits including internal and external options. The earlier it is implemented the more successful and stable the company becomes opening the owner up to more exit options even if exiting the business is years down the road.

Pole Star Success and Exit Strategists

Sheli G
CEO of Women Ignite, Business Consultant, Speaker and Accidental Comedian

Linking Arms with LinkedIn

Does everything feel different with employees now working virtually? Have a great company culture and want to ensure your culture is not impacted during this national crisis? We will discuss some simple ideas to protect your company culture and to ensure employees feel appreciated and secure through this difficult time. 

Women Ignite International

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Etta Huwe

Etta is a graphic designer, who enjoys developing out of the box concepts and ideas for each project. Her favorite part about designing is her process, where she listens to loud music, creates ideas, and cranks out quirky designs. Read more about Etta. She’s an extroverted gal, who’s quite the goof. Her favorite hobby is spending time with friends and exploring new coffee shops. Her love for coffee is almost as strong as her love for design.

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