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Learning to Walk Again with Gina Gardiner | Marketing Expedition Podcast – Episode 37

By June 23, 2020August 4th, 2020Marketing, Marketing Expedition Podcast


We are privileged to have International Bestselling Author and Motivational Speaker Gina Gardiner as this week’s guest. Gina is an empowerment and relationship coach and a transformational leadership trainer with over 30 years of expertise helping people experience happiness, success, and fulfillment. She’s the founder of Thrive Together Tribe Membership and the Personal and Spiritual Development Program. Gina has worked with countless individuals, couples, teams, and organizations helping them to step into their potential, to learn the lessons from the past, and to recognize that there is a choice to step into their power and live a fearless life.

Podcast notes:

  • 00:00 – 00:29 Join The Marketing Expedition Community
  • 00:29 – 01:00 Welcome your Host Rhea Allen
  • 01:03 – 02:28 Welcome Gina Gardiner
  • 02:37 – 04:59 Learning to walk again
  • 04:59 – 05:30 Early life in the UK
  • 05:30 – 06:29 Managing Emotions
  • 06:29 – 08:34 The Keys to Leadership
  • 08:34 – 09:24 Increasing Productivity, Profitability, and Culture
  • 09:24 – 11:29 Starting her own company, Genuinely You
  • 11:29 – 13:29 The Importance of Word Of Mouth
  • 13:29 – 15:48 The Ideal Client
  • 15:48 – 18:00 The Power of Testimonials
  • 18:00 – 23:51 How to Grow your Brand
  • 23:51 – 25:07 How to Better your Public Speaking Skills
  • 25:07 – 25:50 It’s all about the Content
  • 25:50 – 28:21 The Impact of Technology
  • 28:21 – 31:03 Where do you see yourself in 5 years
  • 31:03 – 31:58 How to get ahold of Gina Gardiner!
  • 31:58 – 32:43 Thank You
  • 32:43 – 33:29 Join The Marketing Expedition Community



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Etta Huwe

Etta is a graphic designer, who enjoys developing out of the box concepts and ideas for each project. Her favorite part about designing is her process, where she listens to loud music, creates ideas, and cranks out quirky designs. Read more about Etta. She’s an extroverted gal, who’s quite the goof. Her favorite hobby is spending time with friends and exploring new coffee shops. Her love for coffee is almost as strong as her love for design.

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