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President’s Letter June 2020

By June 3, 2020August 4th, 2020Uncategorized
Rhea Allen - President, CEO Peppershock Media

It’s June!

A message from Rhea Allen

Can you believe that the year is already half over? We should be able to get a refund due to not using the last couple of months! 

Despite shut-downs, remote working, social distancing and all other things COVID-19 related, we’ve been as busy as ever here at Peppershock Media innovating, pivoting, and finding new ways to do old things, better!

If someone would have told me that I’d be hosting graduation ceremonies online in 2020, I would have laughed out loud! But I’m happy to say that we have had the honor and privilege of hosting several graduation ceremonies utilizing technology, and the results have been amazing. These grads will have great stories to tell future generations about their senior year, and there are more empowering and unique stories to come! 

I have also had the pleasure of getting to share voices and lessons learned with so many great thinkers and doers across the globe, including Stacy Ennis (click HERE if you missed it!), and being a national speaker at the NAB Trade show! I invite you to check out our podcast to catch up on all the exciting things that have been happening behind the mic, and in front of the green screen.

What summer will bring is anybody’s guess, but there is one thing that I know for certain; we are a resilient community, and we will continue to innovate and educate, and we’re already getting geared up for New Marketing Trends for the NEXT Year, coming up October 27th, 2020!

Until next time, wash your hands, cherish your loved ones, and support your local businesses!

Upcoming Events

2nd Thursday Marketing Expedition Webinar

Join Rhea Allen and industry experts for the every 2nd Thursday Marketing Expedition Webinar! Be sure to register, grab your lunch and laptop, and watch every 2nd Thursday for relevant marketing tips, tactics, trends, and technologies to help YOU build your brand and bottom line! New topics each month!

You are invited to join the Show Me the Money: A Guide to Getting a Return on Marketing Investments Webinar happening June 11th, 2020, at 12 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)!

Watch Webinar

New Marketing Trends for the Next Year

With constant updates, new techniques, and algorithms changing daily, it’s hard for business owners, CEO’s and marketing managers just to keep up! So how do you know you’re staying on top of all the emerging trends that are impacting your brand, and bottom line? Join us on October 27th, 2020, for our annual New Marketing Trends for the Next Year Workshop, where we will be exploring and sharing our tips, tricks, and insights for 2020-2021 and beyond!

Reserve your spot today!
DeLuca Delivers Entrepreneurs Engage Graphic

EO: DeLuca Delivers Entrepreneurs Engage

Entrepreneurs! Join us (by invitation only*) on June 23, 4:30 PM – 7 PM for drinks with Ryan DeLuca! Presented by Entrepreneurs’ Organization and Accelerators of Idaho at the Arid Club. Ryan will share his entrepreneurial journey and we will also hear from EO Idaho Accelerator member Stephanie Parker, Talent Spark CEO.

Not a member? Register Here!
Already a member? Register Here!
The Marketing Expedition Virtual Meetup Cover Graphic

The Marketing Expedition Virtual Meetup

What is The Marketing Expedition Virtual Meetup?
A place to cultivate authentic business relationships that provide a space for mentorship, marketing ideation, shared resources, and connections needed to support and develop your brand and bottom line!

Next Meetup: June 12th, 2020 10:00 AM

Sign Up

Marketing Expedition Podcast

Privacy, Cybersecurity and Protecting your Brand with Bradley Frazer

Brad Frazer is a copyright, trademark, social media, Internet, privacy, and cybersecurity lawyer at the Boise law firm Hawley Troxell, Idaho’s largest law firm. His practice areas include cybersecurity, privacy, Social Media (“SoMe”), internet law, e-commerce, technology and software licensing, patent counseling, trademarks and domain names, copyright, Information Technology (“IT”), media law, computer law, trade secrets, and related transactional work and litigation.

Be sure to leave the Marketing Expedition Podcast a review, comment or like our podcasts! Screenshot and show us your review of our podcast we will give you a shout out on the show. If you have suggestions or want to submit to be on our podcast submit here: 

Listen Now

Past Events

Nurturing Your Creativity and Productivity

Didn’t catch us live? Click here to watch Rhea Allen and Stacy Ennis lead you through innovative and proven ways to get the most out of your team! You’ll learn about company culture and branding, how to work more effectively and efficiently (even when you’re remote) and how to maximize your time and talent to unleash your productivity!

Watch Replay
Nurturing Your Creativity and Productivity Header Graphic

NAB Trade Show Event

Our very own Rhea Allen was a national speaker at this year’s NAB trade show. NAB is a show for content professionals from all corners of the media, entertainment, and technology ecosystem. Now with more experience and knowledge we are better equipped to help service your needs! Check out more from Rhea and see what we can do for you! 

Rhea's Speaker Reel
NAB Zoom Tradeshow

Marketing Audit

Our Marketing Audit includes a liftoff session with your team to collectively assess your current marketing plan and identify opportunities for improvement. You’ll walk away with a clear idea of what to stop, start & keep doing to enhance your ROI. For a fully-fleshed out marketing strategy and two-year plan, we recommend a complete marketing needs assessment. 

Schedule Today

Join The Marketing Expedition Community

We’re proud to announce that we’ve launched an exciting new benefit for our members, which includes exclusive podcasts, articles, and links, as well as webinars, downloadable content and more, all designed to help you boost your brand and bottom line, on any budget!

Join Today

Since Peppershock’s inception, in 2003, Rhea Allen has managed and expanded Peppershock and has gained local notoriety in her persistent passion for causes. She is involved with the communities of Idaho and surrounding areas and has a vast working knowledge of how to generate awareness for a number of brands and causes. She is extremely diligent in obtaining effective media campaign results by planning and crafting relevant and compelling messaging for the target audience. Rhea oversees the development of all Peppershock projects, from project conception through distribution and follow-up. Read more about Rhea Allen.

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