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Be You and Build Your Brand with Paula Orezi | Marketing Expedition Podcast – Episode 38

By July 6, 2020August 4th, 2020Marketing, Marketing Expedition Podcast


Paula Orezi is the Author of “From Me to You”, a book of motivational poetry. Her message is aimed at business-minded professionals or anyone wishing to start their own business and needing help to overcome mindset beliefs, being organized, or conducting sales through relationship-building. Paula’s WHY is to help people overcome destructive patterns regarding their thinking and daily investment habits. Paula has been featured in Podcasts that encourage others to live with purpose and dream BIG! The creation of the Paula O! Store ( was founded on the concept of Be You! She has impacted many with her branded products that stand for the mission of empowering others to be themselves and find their life’s calling in an adventurous way.

Podcast notes:

  • 0:00 – 00:30 Join The Marketing Expedition Community
  • 00:30 – 00:51 Welcome Your Host Rhea Allen
  • 00:51 – 01:57 Welcome Paula Orezi
  • 01:57 – 04:14 The Path of Life
  • 04:14 – 05:50 The Best Kept Secret
  • 05:50 – 08:40 Paula’s Book
  • 08:40 – 12:04 Paula’s Success Stories
  • 12:04 – 13:30 Mentors
  • 13:37 – 14:27 Keys to Success
  • 14:27 – 15:04 The Ideal Client
  • 15:04 – 16:37 Tactics to Growing Your Business
  • 16:37 – 19:45 Business During COVID19
  • 19:45 – 21:04 Building Your Brand and Bottom Line After COVID19
  • 21:04 – 23:03 Black Lives Matter
  • 23:03 – 25:24 Be You
  • 25:24 – 28:46 Being Online
  • 28:46 – 29:57 Final Thoughts
  • 29:57 – 30:22 Paula’s Resources:
  • 30:22 – 30:40 Thank You, Paula
  • 30:40 – 31:07 Join The Marketing Expedition Community


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Etta Huwe

Etta is a graphic designer, who enjoys developing out of the box concepts and ideas for each project. Her favorite part about designing is her process, where she listens to loud music, creates ideas, and cranks out quirky designs. Read more about Etta. She’s an extroverted gal, who’s quite the goof. Her favorite hobby is spending time with friends and exploring new coffee shops. Her love for coffee is almost as strong as her love for design.

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