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Why Ice Hockey is Like Entrepreneurship with Zuzana Dobro | Marketing Expedition Podcast – Episode 45


Zuzana Dobro is the founder of The WHO Method (, a system created to help entrepreneurs, coaches, authors, experts, and agencies to get to know their customers deeply and to avoid the pitfalls of attracting the wrong people.
Born in former Czechoslovakia, Zuzana escaped the Iron Curtain and moved to England, speaking very little English and with only £200 in her pockets. She gradually made her way working in the creative industry and landed her “dream job” as an interaction and UX designer. However, something felt odd. Zuzana had an unstoppable desire to fulfill a childhood dream to travel around the world. So she left her comfortable lifestyle and traveled solo for 2 years, even backpacked to Antarctica. It was after her trip where she merged her passion for adventure, travel, and human evolution with her design and creative problem-solving expertise, and embarked on her new journey of entrepreneurship.

Podcast notes:

  • 00:00 – 02:12 Introduction
  • 02:12 – 05:48 Traveling the World
  • 05:48 – 12:21 Understanding Travel in the Workplace
  • 12:21 – 16:25 Backpacking in Alaska
  • 16:25 – 23:12 Experience with Clients
  • 23:12 – 28:05 Choosing to be an Entrepreneur
  • 28:05 – 30:12 Work Ethic and Mastering your Skills
  • 30:12 – 41:00 How to Approach Companies
  • 41:00 – 42:46 Make Sure to Check Out
  • 42:46 – 45:03 The Who Method
  • 45:03 – 46:28 Closing Statements


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Etta Huwe

Etta is a graphic designer, who enjoys developing out of the box concepts and ideas for each project. Her favorite part about designing is her process, where she listens to loud music, creates ideas, and cranks out quirky designs. Read more about Etta. She’s an extroverted gal, who’s quite the goof. Her favorite hobby is spending time with friends and exploring new coffee shops. Her love for coffee is almost as strong as her love for design.

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