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Mentoring Youth One Talent at a Time with Sandie Jae | Episode 147

Sandie Jae is a Writer & Chief executive officer at Its All About You Talent Services. She has over 10 years of experience in writing compelling symbolic stories and books. Her role in creating more written content will add value to an audience, including assisting with screenplays and directing productions. In addition to her drive to create and connect, Sandie also heads special projects, and will further help develop and coordinate more events for creators for future collaborations.

Podcast notes:

      • 00:00 – 00:35 “Say, Noah… Hey, Noah…”
      • 00:36 – 00:54 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast
      • 00:55 – 02:01 Ms. Sandie Jae’s background
      • 02:02 – 09:20 Marketing Essentials Moment: Marketing Audit Process
      • 09:21 – 11:21 Ms. Sandie Jae welcome to the show!
      • 11:22 – 14:50 Sharing her screenwriting and film production journey
      • 14:51 – 16:07 The challenges she fronts onto in film production
      • 16:08 – 18:40 “Cheaper is not always better.” — Ms. Sandie Jae
      • 18:41 – 20:49 Inspiring books and poetry for the youth
      • 20:50 – 24:26 How Ms. Sandie Jae managed to publish her books on popular platforms
      • 24:27 – 25:16 Awesome, affordable outfits delivered to your doorstep each month from Nadine West!
      • 25:17 – 28:41 Realizing the value of marketing strategy for her business
      • 28:42 – 31:10 To connect and educate people
      • 31:11 – 32:20 Helping others and walking them through the trials and tribulations
      • 32:21 – 34:07 Reach out to Ms. Sandie
      • 34:08 – 36:00 Ms. Sandie Jae talks about her upcoming film production, It’s all about you a High School Musical
      • 36:01 – 37:38 Thank you so much, Ms. Sandie Jae! Enjoy your Marketing journey!
      • 37:39 – 38:25 Join The Marketing Expedition Community today!

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Thanks for listening to this episode of the Peppershock Marketing Expeditions Podcast. If you like what you heard today, please subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes, Spotify, or Amazon Music.

Brian Staudinger

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