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Amazon Growth Driven Advertising with Ryan Flannagan | Episode 170

Ryan Flannagan, the CEO of Nuanced Media, has more than fifteen years of eCommerce, multi-channel digital marketing, and third-party marketing places. He has worked with hundreds of companies to establish best practices, focusing on the 20 percent that produces 80 percent of the revenue. Ryan is a passionate thought leader in the eCommerce industry. He has been interviewed and quoted by Buzz Feed, Modern Retail as well as many other news outlets. He is a professional speaker, blogger and has contributed articles to 20+ 3rd party publications.

Podcast notes:

      • 00:00 – 00:17 “When we look at the kind of buying tendencies in the US, it’s gaining more on the specialization, specialization, specialization, specialization.”
      • 00:18 – 00:35 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast
      • 00:36 – 01:50 Ryan’s Background
      • 01:51 – 12:00 Marketing Essentials Moment: How to deal with online trolls
      • 12:01 – 14:17 Welcome to the show, Ryan!
      • 14:18 – 19:41 Total Advertising Costs of Sales (TACOS)
      • 19:42 – 25:09 Evolution of multi-channel eCommerce marketing on Amazon
      • 25:10 – 27:21 Affiliate marketing on Amazon
      • 27:22 – 29:55 Dialing down your customer acquisition costs
      • 29:56 – 30:55 Hello Audio is the best format for creating a connection between you and your audience and allows them to access your zone of genius at the click of a button. 
      • 30:56 – 35:06 Doing market analysis to help clients build and grow their product family
      • 35:07 – 38:57 Establishing long-term relationships with clients and potential clients
      • 38:58 – 40:02 Analyzing tools that can help your business
      • 40:03 – 42:10 Client’s profitability
      • 42:11 – 45:50 Focus on your specialization
      • 45:51 – 47:58 Marketing tactics that Ryan utilized to market other business
      • 47:59 – 51:26 Niching down and systemizing
      • 51:27 – 52:45 If you’re interested in growth-driven advertising, Check out
      • 52:46 – 53:39 Share this podcast with others! Enjoy your Marketing journey!
      • 53:40 – 54:26 Join The Marketing Expedition Community today!

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Brian Staudinger

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