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Courtney Peterson | Graphic Design Intern

What would be your superpower?

Teleportation–no more traffic for me, please!!

What’s your favorite movie quote?

“There’s no crying in baseball!” -A League of Their Own

Who is your biggest inspiration?

I’m inspired by random acts of kindness and the community connection it creates among complete strangers.  

What is your biggest fear?

I am not a lover of heights…also spiders are very unwelcome.

Where is your favorite place to visit?

I enjoyed Thailand tremendously!  It was like living in a dream.

About Courtney

A Graphic Design Student at Boise State University, Courtney loves the world of visual communication.  She is especially drawn to high contrast geometric designs and loves the type design of David Jonathan Ross.  A non-traditional student, Courtney came to Boise State after many years of work in the alternative healthcare field.  She studied yoga in Thailand and enjoys teaching.  She also has 3 children who are simultaneously her greatest critic and champions.  In her down time she loves to read and is currently loving the book 4000 Weeks by Oliver Burkeman.