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Emerson Allen | Production Assistant

Emerson Allen | Production Assistant | Peppershock Media

What would be your superpower?
Invisibility and strength. They wouldn’t know what hit ’em.

What’s your favorite movie quote?
“Look your worshipfulness, let’s get one thing straight. I take orders from just one person: me”. Han Solo

Who is your biggest inspiration?
Russel Wilson. Watching him as a kid made me want to love football, and the things he does off the field are so great as well. His selflessness and kindness makes everyone love him. He won the 2020-2021 man of the year award because of his kind actions.

What is your biggest fear?
Let’s just say I’m fearless.

Where is your favorite place to visit?
Probably the Oregon coast, lots of good and cherish-able memories there.

About Emerson

Emerson is the janitor/assistant at Peppershock Media. He is a sophomore who plays football and track at Nampa High School but goes to school at Idaho Arts Charter School. He’s a Boy Scout and has almost earned his Eagle rank.