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Kateri Lucas | Marketing Intern

What would be your superpower?

Teleportation, I’d get to skip traffic and never wait on a flight to get somewhere. 

Who is your biggest inspiration?

My mom. She raised five kids, is a published author, and is a yoga teacher. The ultimate girl-boss. 

What is your biggest fear?

Spiders- I don’t care how small.

Where is your favorite place to visit?

Switzerland, it has the nicest people and the most beautiful views!

About Kateri

Kateri is a Marketing major with a brand and product emphasis at Boise State University. A California native, she is enjoying all Idaho has to offer with the endless outdoor adventures such as hiking and skiing. She loves the creativity and always changing nature of Marketing, and is excited to learn more from the awesome Peppershock team. She is involved in philanthropy and service with the Boise Womens and Children Alliance through her sorority. She is very outgoing and loves to spend time with friends and family, as well as attending concerts.