In order to raise the statistics of math testing results with the use of previous math agencies, the Idaho Department of Education and Peppershock Media formed the Math Matters Campaign, a statewide media campaign focused on the importance of math literacy in Idaho. The Idaho Department of Education came to Peppershock Media to craft a message to spread awareness of the Apengea math tools available to students, parents and educators.
Peppershock staff came up with three concepts focused on the different aspects of math in the work place during the initial assessment. In collaboration with the Idaho Department of Education, the concept using the slogan “I use it everyday” was chosen to illustrate Idahoans in their various careers and the math they use everyday. This depiction of real life people shows just how important math is no matter what career path students choose to take. From cashier to dairy farmer to nurse, people use math everyday.
Peppershock discovered that by using the “I use it everyday” slogan accompanied with graphics, they were able to play on the audience’s perception with entertainment and information. The series of PSA’s were broadcast through television, internet, Idaho Public Television underwriting messages, radio and movie previews in theaters across the state.
The public service announcements that Peppershock provided to the Idaho Department of Education were financed three times to air; once in partnership with the Micron Foundation. Peppershock was awarded first place in the Idaho Press Club Awards and a national-level Bronze Telly Award for excellence in television/cable advertising. The PSA’s are still in use as part of an ongoing Idaho math initiative.
Currently, the Idaho Department of Education’s math web page shows a 60% increase of visitors and an increase in free math tutoring resources attendance.
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Produced for the Idaho State Department of Education
These PSA’s are promoting the use of math in every walk of life…geared towards students and parents.
Introduction to Math Initiative
Our goal is to develop a Math Initiative that will focus on improving math education in all grades to ensure every student is prepared for higher levels of math in the middle grades, high school, post-secondary, and work-force setting.
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