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Drew’s Nuggets

Fun new technology and nuggets of wholesome goodness that Drew runs across…shared for all to enjoy.

blogDrew's Nuggets

Recipe for DVD Death

Physical media as we know it today (DVD's, Blu-Ray and dare I say it, tapes) will all be long gone in the very foreseeable, near future.  Digital media delivery systems like Netflix and tablet PC's (iPad and Blackberry's soon to…
Drew Allen
October 15, 2010
Drew's Nuggets

The Chronicles of Wunch; Continued

Alas, we abandoned our illustrious Wunch Weader today.She did not, however, wain from her calling.  Below, Angie recalls her account of Wunching alone.As you know it was raining today when I wunched alone. The highlights: A soggy sock in the…
Drew Allen
January 14, 2010