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Drew’s Nuggets

Fun new technology and nuggets of wholesome goodness that Drew runs across…shared for all to enjoy.

Drew's Nuggets

A Quick Note on Social Networking

The essence of this blog is fun new gadgets, technology and "nuggets of wholesome goodness" that I run across. Facebook isn't necessarily new...but it definitely qualifies under the "nugget of wholesome goodness" category (or the "addictive social media" category). If…
Drew Allen
January 15, 2009
Drew's Nuggets

Zombie Pumpkins!

It's only late August. I know.But I love Halloween and this coolweather we're having is very reminiscent of late October...and Jack-O-Lanterns.About 5 years ago I ran across this site.... zombiepumpkins.comAwesome jack-o-lantern patterns...updated throughout the year with new designs.The designer's name…
Drew Allen
August 29, 2008