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Graphic Design

Serena_Phillips_Art_DesignblogGraphic Design

Intern Hall of Fame | Serena

Above: Serena stands in front of her VHS tape Star Wars illustration   Serena Phillips is a self-proclaimed Oregonian, lover of music and magnet for all things spooky! Serena interned with us Fall of 2017 while attending Northwest Nazarene University…
Natalie Blodgett
March 14, 2018
Viriginia_Tambe_Night_of_the_Arts_2016blogGraphic Design

Intern Hall of Fame | Virginia

Above: Virginia stands in front of her Night of the Arts 2016 award-winning portrait of her mother. The painting, which now hangs in her father's house, references a photograph of her mother from before she passed away some years ago.…
March 9, 2018