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President’s Letter March 2016

 "If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves." - Thomas Edison  Our March started off with a bang as Peppershock took the cake and was awarded first-place for our documentary Idaho Wine: From Bud…
Drew Allen
February 23, 2016

President’s Letter January 2016

 "You see things and say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were and say, ‘Why not?’." - George Bernard Shaw  Happy New Year! So far 2016 is bringing in a year of awakened projects, campaigns and some wonderful new clients…
January 19, 2016

President’s Letter, December 2015

Rhea Allen, Peppershock Founder|CEO "And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been." – Rainer Maria Rilke But before we welcome 2016 let's take a minute to reflect back on 2015. It's been a rollercoaster…
December 17, 2015

Happy Holidays!

Peppershock Media's Happy Holidays Norman Rockwell's Freedom From Want Norman Rockwell's Freedom From Want, also known as The Thanksgiving Picture or I'll Be Home For Christmas, is widely held as an iconic representation of a holiday celebration. Fun fact, the people…
Drew Allen
December 1, 2015

President’s Letter, November 2015

Rhea Allen, Peppershock Founder|CEO With the workshop, Shocktoberfest and a few events we helped promote in the rearview mirror it's now time to focus on the holiday season and end of the year budgets! October was full of events in…
November 10, 2015

Content Marketer for Hire

Position description for: Part-Time Content Marketer (20-29 hours/week) Do you enjoy telling stories? We are seeking an insightful, strategic Content Marketer to add to our team. A successful candidate for this position will have the ability to leverage their creative writing ability…
Drew Allen
October 30, 2015

Shocktoberfest 2015

Weird noises have been coming from the studio, we set-up a hidden camera to investigate. Watch the video below to find out what happened. Click here to experience the paranormal activity in person, and to register for our spooktacular workshop…
Drew Allen
October 26, 2015

Facing your Marketing Fears

By: Melissa Callahan Shocktoberfest is creeping quickly around the corner and this year we have added a new fear factor to the mix. Before our annual spooky bash in the studio, there will be a business success workshop! Along with…
October 21, 2015

President’s Letter October 2015

“Good, better best. Never let it rest. Until the good and better is best” –Tim Duncan   My motivation this month comes from this quote in Steve Shallenberger’s new book Becoming Your Best. Read it to learn how to take…
October 15, 2015

President’s Letter September 2015

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” –Benjamin Franklin   Currently my theme in life seems to be revolving around the mentor; in finding a mentor and in being a mentor!…
September 10, 2015

Inbound Marketing

7 Tips for Effective I.N.B.O.U.N.D Marketing The times are changing. As the famous writer Raoul Vaneigem once said, “We must discover new frontiers...people have been standing for centuries before a worm-eaten door, making pinholes in it with increasing ease. The…
September 10, 2015

Setting and Tracking Marketing Goals

You are smart, but how about your marketing goals? Are they smart too? When thinking about your marketing strategy and goals over the next 12 to 24 months, start with defining what makes you successful in your efforts. By understanding…
August 13, 2015

President’s Letter August 2015

“ Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important." – Stephen R. Covey, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. I look forward to our annual Pow-Wow every year. It…
August 13, 2015

13 Tips for Developing an Email Marketing Campaign

Disrupt, Connect & Inspire. That's the whole point of a campaign isn't it? Disrupt a viewer and catch their attention and connect your content to their lives somehow, and finally inspire them to take action. Whether it's "buy a ticket,…
July 9, 2015

President’s Letter July 2015

“Grace under pressure” –Ernest Hemingway The quote rings so true this summer. If you’d ask me to describe Peppershock’s summer so far in one word I’d say, hustle. With 3 premieres in June and video projects getting wrapped up we’ve…
July 9, 2015

Video Search Engine Optimization

How can video search impact search engine rankings? Does having a video have positive or a negative impact on where Google serves up your site? Considering 60% of the views on YouTube are search engine driven, and Google owns YouTube, it…
July 8, 2015

The Race

The Race Whenever I start to hang my head in front of failure’s face My downward fall is broken by the memory of a race. A child’s race, young boys, young men … how I remember well Excitement sure ……
Drew Allen
June 1, 2015

Business Leaders in Idaho Highlighted Through Video

2015 Roster of Idaho Business Leaders Highlighted Through Video As Gardner Company's COO, Tommy Ahlquist, put it, "it's all about relationships."  Business in general, but more specifically in Idaho, is all about building strong relationships, taking care of customers and…
Drew Allen
May 21, 2015

7 Solid Marketing and Advertising Tips

Strategies to Grow Your Business Without Burning up the Budget by Rhea Allen You've heard the term, "throwing it at the wall and seeing what sticks" or "taking a shotgun approach" when it comes to marketing.  And as tempting as…
May 18, 2015