Large-scale branding design for the 2013 Canyon County Fair represent’s the fair’s history and fun atmosphere

Out with the Old, in with the New!

Peeling away the old Canyon County Fair logo
Canyon County Fair & Festival Advertising
Canyon County Fair & Festival Advertising

Blue Ribbon Brain Power

Though we already had an existing relationship with the Canyon County Fair for two years prior we didn’t let that stop us from doing additional research. Once we had a solid foundation we began sketching stampedes of concepts. After all concepts were roaming free we wrangled only the most robust stallions, proceeding to give them a good what for. After taming three concepts we saddled up in preparation to show the Fair board.

Refinement | Focus Groups

During various stages in the logo refinement process we presented concepts to a Fair board and focus groups to collect input. It was imperative that the logo embodied the look of a fun family event while simultaneously referencing the rich agricultural history of the Canyon County Fair. The best way to do this is to talk to the people that know it best.


Logo Rationale

The end result is a 100% home grown, grass-fed brand that has friendliness, agriculture, harvest colors and a fun family environment running through its veins. Our demographics were family, moms and agriculture enthusiasts who want to visit the County Fair to participate in various exhibits, contests, and to simply have fun. The design has a clean modern edge while utilizing a warm historical color pallet. We have incorporated 3-dimensional elements as well as energetic angles in the custom built letter-forms to help reinforce the feeling of fun within the logo. The logo design was crafted to attract attention, to be memorable, unique and easily recognized. Conversely it’s designed to be simple and easy to look at without becoming tiresome over time as well as being reproduced across varying media such as; print, web and TV. The logo is relevant and its shelf-life should comfortably reach a decade of use.


Once the logo was completed the new look was carried throughout other commonly used items like stationary. The updated stationary included new letterhead, envelopes and business cards. The rooster from the logo was used throughout the stationary items to add a subtle yet fun look while reinforcing the presence of agriculture and livestock in the Fair.



The Logo lends itself to various animated movements. Some of these include a roller coaster like action to the “Canyon County” text, radial movements in the ferris wheel tracer lights as well as a crowing rooster. All together these add to an exciting visual experience reinforcing the fun to be had at the fair.

Logo animation as seen in the 2013 Canyon County Fair commercial spots: