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Digital Media

blogDrew's Nuggets

Recipe for DVD Death

Physical media as we know it today (DVD's, Blu-Ray and dare I say it, tapes) will all be long gone in the very foreseeable, near future.  Digital media delivery systems like Netflix and tablet PC's (iPad and Blackberry's soon to…
Drew Allen
October 15, 2010

New Intern: Kirsten Strough

Kirsten’s interest in film and digital media began when she was a little girl and has only grown since. She joined the Fruitland High School Broadcast Program at age 15 and immediately delved into moviemaking. Her first short, Teacup, won…
September 14, 2010

The Honorable Judge Drew Allen Now Presiding

Peppershock co-owner, producer Drew Allen to evaluate student work at the Business Professionals of America Secondary State Conference, March 11th-13th, at Boise State University. Drew will be judging student's Digital Media Productions.
Drew Allen
March 9, 2010