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Rhea at PPWblogMonthly Newsletter

President’s Letter May 2022

It’s going to be MAY. A message from Rhea Allen I love a great Justin Timberlake meme as much as anybody: and it’s such a positive message too! It’s going to be MAY, er ME! And since it actually IS May,…
April 28, 2022

Reach Success in Your Marketing–Know Your Audience!

“It’s not the plan that is important, it’s the planning.” Dr. Graeme Edwards This is a very important quote to consider when thinking about why some businesses succeed, while others fail. In fact, it is estimated that 50% of businesses…
February 2, 2017

5 Keys to Social Media Success – Part 2

In our last conversation, 5 Keys to Social Media Success - Part 1, we laid out the framework for successful social media marketing. In short, you need to empathize with your audience before you have the ability to create relatable…
December 7, 2016

President’s Letter November 2016

"Being gifted creates obligations, which means you owe the world your best effort at the work you love. You too are a natural resource.” — Barbara Sher At Peppershock Media we strive to give the world our best effort at the…
November 16, 2016

Do You Need Help Defining Your Target Market?

Defining your business’s target market is the single most important factor in developing a successful marketing plan, followed by defining your business goals and marketing objectives. How does one begin to define their target market? More importantly, is this a…
September 13, 2016

Marketing 101: Goals Are EVERYTHING!

Dear Business Owner, Can you tell me what your marketing goals look like? More importantly, have they worked to bring you business? For most, the answer is uncertain. Often times people think of marketing as a necessary evil, only completing…
July 5, 2016