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2nd Thursday Marketing Expedition Webinar

Every 2nd Thursday | 12PM MST

Join Rhea Allen and industry experts every 2nd Thursday for the Marketing Expedition Webinar! Be sure to register, grab your lunch and laptop, and watch every 2nd Thursday for relevant marketing tips, tactics, trends, and technologies.

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Upcoming Webinar:

Date: September 14, 2023, 12:00 PM MST

Topic: Generating Leads through Marketing on LinkedIn

 It is no secret that social media is one of the best and easiest tools for marketing that we have access to. LinkedIn requires different strategies in order to stand out and be effective with your marketing. With this information learn from Rhea how you can generate leads from LinkedIn, and add to your repertoire of social media platforms.

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What people are saying about Rhea’s webinars:

Your webinars give a basic understanding and then go in-depth to give practical and useful information for today’s world.  It was great to listen to over the lunch hour.” –Cindy S.
“Rhea was extremely engaging and fun to listen to. She had great tips and suggestions to bring into our culture. Your company culture is amazing!” –Anonymous
“Rhea! You are super informed! I just loved what you had to say!” –Lana H.
Want us to add your quote about Rhea’s webinars? Send it to us!

Learn more about Rhea AllenPresident/CEO of Peppershock Media
Chief Marketing Officer for Hire!

Meet Rhea

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