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Hard Work and Building Relationships with Stephanie Worrell | Marketing Expedition Podcast – Episode 70

Stephanie Worrell is the co-owner of From High Tide; a multi-channel consultancy firm dedicated to helping 1M women start their own businesses. An accomplished entrepreneur, business coach, and marketing professional, Stephanie is passionate about sharing her knowledge with aspiring entrepreneurs. She has personally guided and actively coached 200+ individuals through the journey of starting a new business, from overcoming fears to creating a business plan. Over the past decade, Stephanie has started and owned four companies and sold two. She is also a popular teacher at Boston University’s College of Communications, where she is committed to inspiring young people to follow their professional and personal dreams.


Podcast notes:

  • 00:00 – 00:35 Overview of Stephanie Worrell and today’s podcast topic
  • 00:35 – 01:31 for $30 off or $10 off your first three orders at DoorDash
  • 01:31 – 03:44 Marketing Nugget of the Week
  • 03:44 – 04:04 Welcome to the Marketing Expedition Podcast
  • 04:04 – 08:01 Welcome Stephanie
  • 08:01 – 15:09 Stephanie discusses what she does as a PR professional
  • 15:09 – 25:56 Stephanie talks about her background and what’s next
  • 25:56 – 30:56 Hear what Stephanie is currently reading and listening to
  • 30:56 – 34:51 Stephanie shares a big goal of hers
  • 34:51 – 39:37 Mentors who’ve inspired Stephanie along the way
  • 39:37 – 44:06 The importance of hard work and building relationships
  • 44:06 – 45:45 Last minute marketing tips from Stephanie
  • 45:45 – 46:17 Huge thanks to Stephanie for sharing her story and marketing wisdom
  • 46:17 – 46:32 Thanks for listening, find more podcasts online at
  • 46:32 – 47:03 Check out to build relationships with others and find the latest marketing trends


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DoorDash is a great way to support local restaurants with safe, no-contact delivery. Get $30 off ($10 off each of your first 3 orders) when you sign up here.


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Thanks for listening to this episode of the Peppershock Marketing Expeditions Podcast. If you like what you heard today, please leave us a review on Spotify or iTunes. To make sure you don’t miss out on an episode subscribe here!


Brian Staudinger

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