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How Sponsorship Helps Businesses Grow Their Brands with Ken Ungar | Marketing Expedition Podcast – Episode 93

By September 2, 2021September 3rd, 2021Marketing, Marketing Expedition Podcast

Ken Ungar is the President & Founder of CHARGE, focused on unlocking the power of sponsorships to enhance the brands and grow the businesses of the C-suite, sales workforce, and nonprofit space alike. Ken’s clients and collaborators have included Honda, Acura, the Los Angeles Dodgers, Coca-Cola, Disney, General Motors, Jim Beam, Microsoft, Reebok, and fifty-plus professional athletes in the NFL, NASCAR, and Indy Car. He’s been a lawyer, government official, and marketer, as well as serving as a league representative, event promoter, and business leader at the highest levels of professional sports. Ken’s experience in sports business, personal branding, media training, sponsorships, and endorsements, as well as agents and legal issues, inspired him to pen his second book, Sponsorship Strategy: Practical Approaches to Powerful Sponsorships. Ken’s also a veteran of the airwaves; you can find his interviews on ABC News, AP, CNN Money, ESPN, Forbes, Fox News, Good Morning America, LA Times, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, Sports Business Journal.


Podcast notes:


    • 0:00 – 1:58 Ken’s Bio
    • 1:58 – 2:50 Sweatcoin
    • 2:50 – 6:10 Marketing essentials
    • 6:10 – 6:32 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition podcast
    • 6:32 – 7:10 Welcome Ken
    • 7:10 – 7:50 Ken’s journey
    • 7:50 – 9:06 What is a sponsorship?
    • 9:06 – 10:41 Firestone sponsorship story
    • 10:41 – 12:13 Brand building with sponsorships
    • 12:13 – 14:15 Sponsorship fulfillment
    • 14:15 – 15:00 Lead generation
    • 15:00 – 17:03 Why Ken works in sponsorships
    • 17:03 – 19:29 Nonprofit sponsorships
    • 19:29 – 23:00 Price structure of sponsorships
    • 23:00 – 26:35 Most effective trinkets/tools for sponsorships
    • 26:35 – 26:50 How to connect with Ken
    • 26:50 – 27:45 Free and useful sponsorship tools
    • 27:45 – 28:07 Thanks Ken
    • 28:07 – 28:27 Thank you for listening
    • 28:27 – 28:57 Join today!


    Sweatcoin – Check out this free app – It Pays to Walk



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Brian Staudinger

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