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How Peppershock Media produces one of the top 10% podcasts in the world.

Our Approach

Peppershock Media produces one of the top 10% podcasts in the world! Rhea Allen brings her marketing expertise to the microphone. See below for how Peppershock Media helped get the Marketing Expedition Podcast to be so successful. 

Rhea and Drew Allen Podcasting
Rhea Allen Podcasting

Pick an Engaging Title

Your podcast title is the first indication of who you are and what you do – so you should make it a good one! Titles should be creative and give listeners an idea of what to expect. Studies show that the most popular title length is around 16 characters and should be clear, concise, and evocative.


Find Your Niche

Your podcast won’t appeal to everyone, and that’s okay! Nail down your target audience AKA who YOU want to listen to your podcast every week and focus on delivering content that serves them. Is it digital marketing? Cooking? Handling finances? Find your niche and follow it.


Necessary Equipment

Good equipment is absolutely essential to a successful podcast. It’s much more than just a microphone, you need to consider finding a soundproof room, investing in a reliable microphone, laptop, sound-canceling headphones, recording software, and more. Peppershop is a great option to elevate your sound without breaking the bank. View some of our favorite tools for podcasting to look and sound your best!

Podcast Equipment 2

Peppershock Media offers many discounts on these products. Make sure you take advantage of these deals.

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Landing Page

A podcast landing page is designed to convert viewers into listeners. Landing pages should focus on one simple goal and include elements such as a headline, description, latest episodes, clickable subscribe button, and links to other social media accounts. 

View Landing Page

Create an Easy-to-Use Booking Form and Calendar for Guests

Make it easy for guests to join you on your podcast! Adding an accessible booking link to your landing page is an easy way for potential guests to express interest in your podcast. OnceHub is a scheduling tool that makes connecting with leads and sending invites easy. It automatically integrates with a number of workflows, video conferencing, and calendar platforms.

Find Guests

Arguably one of the most compelling parts of any podcast is the guests! However, it’s often hard to spread awareness, connect with your industry leaders and find quality guest speakers. Use websites like, Perfect Podcast Guest, Podchaser, and PodMatch to find relevant industry experts to host.

The Marketing Expedition Podcast

Email Automation

Remembering to schedule guests and send email reminders is hard to do. Utilize an email automation tool such as ConstantContact, MailerLite, or Mailchimp. This will ensure that all of those important emails can be sent on time without having to add them to your to-do list!


Editing the Podcast

Editing your podcast is a necessary part of ensuring the listening experience is seamless and enjoyable. You will need to choose the platform you want to edit your podcast on; some popular ones include Audacity, Adobe Audition/Premiere, and Alitu. From here, some steps for editing your podcast might include adding an introduction, music track or sound effects. You may also deal with noise removal, reordering information, and making the volume consistent as possible.


Making the Graphics

After your podcast is recorded, edited, and exported, it’s ready to gain exposure. Make a simple graphic displaying your podcast host, guest, title, and brief description to add to post to your social media accounts, website, and landing page.


Hosting Platforms

Recording…check! Editing…check! Now it’s time to upload and publish. This publishing platform is where your podcast will live–upload your episodes, post graphics, add podcast notes, and more! There are numerous podcast hosting platforms available for users, but here are some of our Peppershock favorites:

Promoting The Podcast

Great news — the hardest part of creating your podcast is over! Now it’s time to spread awareness and gain listeners. Start this process by posting graphics and links of your podcast across all social media channels. This should at a minimum include Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Another tool to promote your podcast is through local platforms like ListenBoise. ListenBoise offers a website and app where listeners can sort podcasts by category and general interest. This is another great avenue to get the word out about your podcast. 

Promoting the Podcast


Your Sound. Our Expertise. Simply record your podcast and we’ll do the rest.  That’s…Poderific.

Professional podcast production services with intro/closing voice-over, licensed music, edited and delivered to all the major podcast outlets. Visit to find out more!

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