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Incorporating Quizzes into Your Marketing Strategy with Tai Goodwin | Episode 143

Tai Goodwin is the CEO of That Marketing Team and the creator of the Liberated CEO Accelerator. She’s an award-winning instructional designer with 20+ years of experience creating learning experiences and content for Fortune500 companies like Barnes & Noble and tech start-ups like Leadpages.

Podcast notes:

      • 00:00 – 00:21 “When you’re sending the same email out to every single person, that’s when people are just going to be turned off.” -Tai Goodwin
      • 00:22 – 00:42 Welcome to Peppershock Media’s Marketing Expedition Podcast
      • 00:43 – 01:21 Tai’s Bio
      • 01:22 – 07:57 Marketing Essentials Moment: Importance of mentorship in Business
      • 07:58 – 09:09 Welcome to the show, Tai!
      • 09:10 – 14:04 How to kickstart your email list with quizzes
      • 14:05 – 18:02 Keeping it fun and engaging for your audience
      • 18:03 – 19:52 Understanding who your audience is and their pain points
      • 19:53 – 22:22 No time, no team, no tech, no problem!
      • 22:23 – 24:33 The Value of Marketing
      • 24:34 – 28:08 Difference between a quiz and a survey
      • 28:09 – 29:12 Tai talks about her upcoming book launch
      • 29:13 – 30:14 Consume your content on the go with Hello Audio! 
      • 30:15 – 34:51 Lead magnet strategy
      • 34:52 – 36:34 Tai’s future plans and goals
      • 36:35 – 38:25 Tools and resources that can help in your business journey
      • 38:26 – 41:32 Top marketing mistakes that people make
      • 41:33 – 42:41 The “What if” question
      • 40:24 – 43:50 Reach Tai Goodwin
      • 43:51 – 44:28 Thank you so much, Tai! Enjoy your Marketing journey!
      • 44:29 – 45:16 Join The Marketing Expedition Community today!

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Brian Staudinger

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