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Inbound Marketing

By September 10, 2015June 7th, 2023blog

INBOUND-Graphic7 Tips for Effective I.N.B.O.U.N.D Marketing

The times are changing. As the famous writer Raoul Vaneigem once said, “We must discover new frontiers…people have been standing for centuries before a worm-eaten door, making pinholes in it with increasing ease. The time has come to kick it down, for it is only on the other side that everything begins.

Ladies and gentlemen, like or not, we are certainly in a “new frontier,” and we can either reach for the other side or run back under the marketing rug (so to speak). For the rest of us willing to embrace the light, inbound marketing is the new buzzword on the horizon. If you are not familiar with this term, you should be. Inbound marketing, in short, is the creation of meaningful content that attracts the consumer to your products or services. Unlike its counterpart, outbound marketing, inbound marketing is more cost-effective, has a broader reach, and most importantly is what the viewer (your viewer) wants in today’s market. Inbound marketing shows itself in many forms, with a few of the big ones being the use of content-rich blogs, videos, or websites. Furthermore, just like any other business activity, your inbound marketing campaign needs to follow certain guidelines in order to succeed. So here it is–7 Tips for Effective I.N.B.O.U.N.D Marketing that will help you get started:

I…is for Informative Content. Is the content that you’re creating relevant to your viewer? Does it provide value to them in some shape or form? Gone are the days when meaningless marketing garbage is not a choice. Today, people have the option to sit and listen or move on. To become an informative source it is important to create meaningful and credible content on your blogs, videos, whitepapers, and social media posts.

N…is for Noticeable Social Media Presence. So your company has a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest account, but are they using it to their full capacity (or using it at all)? It is one thing to have these accounts, but are you posting often, and when your viewer is most likely to see it? Doing your research and knowing when your audience is most likely to view your posts, as well as how often you should be posting, is a must.

B…is for Being Responsive.  You’ve put all this effort into creating great content, but what is the point if no one can easily access it? Having a responsive website and content will ensure your inbound marketing efforts are well-received across all platforms, including mobile devices. Enough said.Average time spent on pages with video vs without video

O…is for an Organized Schedule. Proposals have deadlines, bills must be paid on time and your children need to stick to a consistent schedule. Well…so does your inbound marketing plan! It is important that you have a schedule for when your email newsletters, blogs, social media posts, podcasts, or videos are going to air. Creating an inbound marketing calendar detailing what, when, and who is going to do each activity can really help! Additionally, posting at regularly scheduled times will increase the odds of a greater consumer following.

U…is for Understanding your Data. So you’ve sent out all your email blasts and the traffic reports are in. How many people clicked on your email? How many didn’t even check it at all? How about your website…what was the traffic like on that? Analyzing your data across all inbound marketing activities will help you learn what you are doing right, as well as point out what areas you could change. A great resource is Google Analytics. Understand how it works and it will become your new best friend.

N…is for Never Ending SEO. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is critical these days. With over 90% of people starting their search online before they shop, it’s more important than ever that your company remains relevant as Google weeds through the millions of pages in your category. One way companies stay ahead is by constantly updating and optimizing their site and content. Keywords change daily within a search engine, so your site should be continually updated to stay at the top of search results. This applies to your videos and other content as well. Interested in learning more about the impact of Video SEO? Check out our webinar!

D…is for differentiating and Diversifying your Media. It is not enough to stick with one type of media as your primary source of inbound marketing. Branching out not only provides another way to spread your message but may increase the chance your message will be found and heard! Having a diverse, multi-media campaign consisting of videos, infographics, blogs, social media posts, an engaging landing page, and a website and/or podcast are all great ways to do this. Also making it a point to be unique, creative, and different from your competitors is something to strive for! Consumers will forget a copycat pretty easily. They will however remember a unique video or infographic that defines your brand.

So where does your company succeed? Where could they use a little reform? Stuck on what to do next, or have a question about inbound marketing? Peppershock Media is ready to help! Please contact, or visit us on the web at




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