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Is Your Marketing Working?

Do you have a marketing plan?  Are you working toward your goals?

Are you reaching your ideal customer with messaging that resonates with them?

If you’re asking those questions, it’s probably time for a Marketing Audit from Peppershock.  We’ll work with you and your team to review current marketing efforts, what’s been working, what hasn’t and how we recommend you move forward to better reach your goals.  This initial phase in marketing planning is key to success.

Don’t take our word for it.
Bill says it best.

Or, if you don’t trust Bill, listen to what Nikki had to say about the Peppershock Marketing Audit.


Our Marketing Audit customers love learning how they can shift efforts to increase ROI.  They love finding new ways to reach their customers in meaningful ways.  Most importantly, by having a fresh set of eyes review their marketing efforts, our audit customers gain a new perspective on their business and are able to improve efficiencies.

Schedule Your Audit

How it works:

Each of these 4 steps during an audit are critical to marketing planning success.

  1. After signing up and scheduling your Liftoff Session, you’ll receive a list of to-do’s, homework, if you will.  Not to worry, it should be fairly easy.  Send us the info we need and we get to work.
  2. Peppershock will review your current marketing efforts (website, social, traditional media, sponsorships, networking efforts, sales tactics, etc.).
  3. We research your industry, your competitors, what challenges you may be facing from external factors, etc.
  4. During the Liftoff Session, we work collaboratively with you to define your ideal customer, create their personas, empathize with them and ideate through a “Sticky Note Throw Down.”  It’s fun, trust us.
  5. After the session, we gather our findings and write our recommendations.
  6. You receive an empathy map of your ideal customer, a written recommendation on how best to move your marketing forward and a renewed vision of how you’ll conquer your goals in the months and years to come.


Length: 90 minutes

  • Review current marketing plan and data

  • Discuss current marketing efforts, goals and objectives

  • Discuss marketing needs

  • Identify target audiences (empathy mapping)

Based on the prioritized marketing goals, objectives and needs discovered in this session, Peppershock will provide marketing suggestions that address next steps to close the gap between current and desired marketing results.


Liftoff Session Summary, Suggestions and Audience Personas.


Marketing Audit – $4,500 value for only $3,500


Some things you might need to know…

Schedule your 90 minute session. Expect to schedule 2-4 weeks out. Use this time to prepare the list of items below.

Keep in mind that you’ll want to bring your team. This is when we put all our heads together to begin forming a plan and it’s critical that you get buy-in from your people.

Download the FAQ sheet: Marketing-Audit-FAQ-Peppershock-Media 

What can I do to prepare?

Email the following to your dedicated account representative or at the earliest convenient time:

  • Your 30 second elevator pitch (if you have one).
  • All previous branding and research, along with your mission, vision, values, etc.
  • Marketing materials you are currently using including handouts, proposals, sales sheets, postcards, banners, photos of your tradeshow setup, promotion items, links to videos, etc.
  • Your marketing, advertising, promotional, and PR budget and what you spent last year.
  • Any current or established marketing plans.
  • Any established goals that you have already set for this year.
  • The length of your average sales cycle.
  • Any current or established marketing plans you may have.
  • Anything else you think that could benefit us during our session together!

How to schedule

To schedule your 90-minute session, visit

  • We can use the Zoom web conferencing tool to plug in your associates that would also like to participate who might be off-site. (A meeting link will be set up and provided).

When should we expect to receive our marketing audit results?

12–14 business days after the 90-minute liftoff session.

Where is the meeting?

Via Web Conference on Zoom (a link will be set up and provided).

Or in person at Peppershock Studios if you’re in the Treasure Valley, Idaho area


We look forward to working with you soon!

Thank you!