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Marketing Planning & Strategy

You’ve got to have a plan…

It’s a trope, but it’s true! How can you know how to get there, if you don’t know where you’re going? 

In order to get the most return on your marketing investment, you need to have a plan, and a strategy. Consumers are more savvy than ever, and you have to understand who you are trying to reach, why you are trying to reach them, how you are going to reach them, and what you’re going to ask them to do, when you do reach them! 

We are a full-service marketing agency offering marketing planning and strategy. That means we have the education, skills and experience to not only create compelling advertising campaigns, but leverage them in a way that speaks to your target audience, and gets them to notice your brand, products and services.

Marketing planning and strategy services we offer: 

  • Marketing audits
  • Marketing needs assessment
  • Marketing consulting 
  • CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) for hire
  • PR and messaging, crisis communication consulting
  • Re-branding and branding services
  • Campaign creation and implementation 

If there’s an audience you need to reach, we can reach them, and help you build your brand AND bottom line! 

See our portfolio and schedule your free consultation today!

Get In Touch

Not sure where to start?

You need a Marketing Audit.

If you’re wondering whether your marketing efforts are working or not, this is the perfect place to start. Our Marketing Audit includes a launch session with your team to assess your current marketing plan. Walk away with recommendations to improve your marketing results.